Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Diary

Today is the first day I have been on my computer since Friday. Every now and then I like to disconnect from the world. Although I still have my iPhone, so I am not completely disconnected. It's just nice now to be on my computer every once in a while.

I went to watch my boy play his first volleyball game on his new team on Friday. They played a professional team from China. It was awesome! I love watching two different cultures come together to play my favorite sport. 
The first time I saw Parker was at one of his volleyball games that I went to 2 years ago! Crazy how much time has gone by. 

Saturday I was lazy. It was nice! Then went to a Halloween party with my friends. 
{pictures to come soon!}

Sunday, same as Saturday. Lazy! I did however go to my Grandparent's house for dinner because it was my Uncle's last night visiting. It was a nice evening! Then I watched the Walking Dead, and fell asleep. It was great sleep by the way
{I had a dream I was living in the Walking Dead. My weapon of choice was an ax}

Tonight I have to study for a test that is tomorrow, so this entry is short and sweet. But I will leave you with a quote that I like:
"Happiness is a direction, not a destination"-unknown
I have it on a post it right next to my bed so I can see it when I wake up. 

And here is a picture of my dog. Because he is always happy, and makes me happy!
{even though he ate one of my sandals last night}


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