Wednesday, February 27, 2013

iPhone Diary

I have been a bad, bad, blogger.
I really have. 
It's been way too long since I have written. I needed time to clear my head. I took a few days off from cramming homework. I dedicated one day (sunday) to get it all done so I could have a few days to do whatever I wanted. And I did. 

Monday Parker and I went to Whole Foods to get lunch and then sat at the bay and ate in the sunshine. 
No phones, no cameras, just enjoying the moment. 
Then my mom treated me and my sister to a massage. It was my first one! Like a take off your clothes type. I have only had them where they do the massage over your clothes. But I am never going back. It was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever. It really didn't relax me, in fact it helped me decompress and I was actually pretty energized afterwards. 
I made a yummy chicken dinner with lots of veggies when I got home and I can't wait to make it again. It was really simple and only needed a few ingredients. My type of cooking. 

Tuesday I slept in until noon! What?! I rarely do that. It felt nice though. Parker and I went to the Lacma 
{it's free for LA country residents after 3pm} 
and it was so fun! It was his first time and I always love that place. I like walking around in silence and just observing the art. I am not an art expert, but I do enjoy viewing it. It was really fun to compare my take and Parker's take on a piece. 
We ended the night with dinner at a REALLY yummy pizza place and dessert with Parker's brother and his girlfriend. It's always a good time with them :]

I still want to do a What I Ate Wednesday but I am having the hardest time doing so! So I'm scrapping it until I am back on my feet when it comes to menu planning and homework. I'm already counting down the days until the end of the semester and I am only four weeks into it. Yikes.

This one makes Parker look like he has curves haha!

Had to use our iPhone's for the pictures since my camera was dead and Parker left his in his friend's car. But oh well, it was still really fun :)


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