Thursday, March 21, 2013

What an Honor


A Liebster Award to be exact. Which is really exciting since I honestly don't know how many viewers I truly have on this little blog of mine.

Thank you Miss Paige for the nomination. That made my week!

This little award is for blogs that have under 200 followers. It's a great way to get new viewers, and to discover other blogs as well! I love connecting with people. And I am really looking forward to discovering new blogs. I love me some good reading material

All you have to do is.....
1.Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link their blog
2. Answer the 11 questions that the nominator wrote out and then list 11 random facts about your beautiful self.
3. Nominate 11 blogs {with under 200 subscribers} and leave your nomination in the comments of one of their blog posts with a link back to your blog with all of the instructions of what to do. 
4. Upload your Liebster Award badge. Be proud of that sucker!!

Four very simple steps. Now I am going to answer the questions Paige wrote out for the people she nominated :)

1. Who/what inspires you?
I have a lot of people that inspire me. One, is my momma. She has been through a lot the past couple of years, but still manages to keep it together and put everyone before herself. As for someone who I look up to that is somewhat famous, it's Collette Butler, aka Mommytard from the Shaytards vlogs. I want to meet her so bad. She has really helped me stay positive and figure out what I want in life. 

2. Celebrity crush? (Come on, we all have them!)
Oh boy. Well, for a guy it would have to be James Franco. He is good looking and extremely smart. And for a girl (yes, because girls have girl crushes) it is without a doubt Lana Del Rey. That woman is so beautiful to me, and I love her style.

3. If you were to win the lottery, what would be your 1st purchase?I wouldn't exactly purchase anything, but I would pay off my car so I don't have to deal with the annoying monthly payments anymore. 

4. Your dream house- what would be in it?I would want a big kitchen that has an area that people could sit without being in the way and socialize while I cook. I like to cook, but I love when I'm cooking and I have someone to talk to. Makes it go by faster!

5. Your biggest pet peeve?
When people don't say please or thank you. Erg!

6. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?I love lipstick and nail polish. If I could buy a lipstick and nail polish everyday, I would. I spend so much time in the lipstick section at drugstores but force myself to walk away so I don't go into debt from it. 

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
I want to live somewhere in Europe at some point of my young life. If I could have it my way, I would finish school, find a job that would let me travel {ha let's see if that happens}, get married, and spend my first couple of years being married it different countries. Now let's see if that happens haha. 

8. Why do you blog?
Honestly, I can't give a direct answer besides I just really enjoy it. I like reading other blogs and seeing how other people live. I also like sharing my life and documenting what I do. I want to be able to look back next year and see what has happened and changed within that time.

9. What is your favorite movie?
I have a few. The classic Disney princess ones of course, and I love "The Great Gatsby", the original {yes I am freaking out about the new one, I get tears every time I see a trailor}, and "Black Swan" since I used to do ballet. I cry in that one too. I cry a lot in movies, but only when I am by myself. I am such a sap.

10. Share one of your favorite childhood memories.
I can't pinpoint just one, but I would have to say Christmas. We celebrate with my mom's side Christmas Eve, then my Dad's side on Christmas Day. It's always something I look forward to every year. 

11. What advice would you give to your kids/future kids about life?
Have fun. Seriously. I have taken things too seriously in the recent past for what? NOTHING! There is no payoff. However, there are certain times when responsibilities come first. But basically, work hard, play hard. I like that motto :)

11 Random Facts About Yours Truly
1. I file my nails at least 4 times a week. I don't like when my nails are long. 2. I haven't used real face wash in over 2 months. 3.I still wear my retainer a couple times a week from when I got my braces off in 6th grade. 4. I cannot survive without my planner. I lose track of what I'm supposed to do unless I write it down. 5. I used to love pickles growing up. Now the smell of them makes me gag. 6. I am not a big risk taker. I am working on putting myself out there more. 7. I like to listen to oldies when I clean. 8. I like to write my blogs after 11pm. My head is clearer and I don't have any distractions. 9. I have to sleep with a fuzzy blanket near my face. It comforts me. 10. I love cleaning out old clothes and donating them. 11. I have become more shy and reserved as I have gotten older. 

Now here are the questions my nominees have to answer!

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
2. What is a silly fear of yours?
3. What is your go-to outfit?
4. What was your dream job when you were a child?
5. Why do you blog?
6. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
7. Favorite song currently?
8. Tell me about your first kiss.
9. What is your favorite thing to do outdoors?
10. What is something you want to accomplish in the year 2013?
11. If you could witness a moment in history, what would it be?

And the nominees are....
{drum roll please}

I am going to have to scout out a few more, but congrats to those so far! Can't wait to read your answers :)


  1. thank you for the 2nd nomination :) i will be working on it, since i don't want to repeat facts or nominees. PS. i thought it was funny that i'm seeing all these blogs posting about bloglovin now that google reader is going away. haha! thanks for introducing me to that, too!

    1. I thought I would return the favor! And bloglovin is great. It's easier to find blogs than on google reader. :)

  2. I LOVE this!! Is there a website for this award?
